Dr Barrie Hopson‘s current portfolio career includes chairman of Axia Interactive Media, director of Live Happier, writer, presenter, consultant and chair of his local community association. He has a long history of involvement in the area of career development having established the Counselling and Career Development Unit at Leeds University and subsequently went on to found Lifeskills International.
A fellow of the British Psychological Society he has written 40 books including the bestselling 12 Steps to Success through Service, The Lifeskills Teaching Programmes , Build Your Own Rainbow, and The Rainbow Years: the Pluses of Being 50+. His latest venture is livehappier.com, a site dedicated to helping people to Live Happier: The Ultimate Life Skill. His most recent book was And What Do You Do? 10 Steps to Creating a Portfolio Career, co-written with Katie Ledger. Barrie has worked widely as a consultant to commercial and educational organisations worldwide.