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Arthur Legends of the King


Professor Michael Scott

Professor Michael Scott was Vice-Chancellor of Glyndwr University in North East Wales until March 2015.  He is a distinguished literary scholar, having written numerous books and articles and edited two major series for Palgrave Macmillan.  His influential Text and Performance series helped spawn Masters programmes in a new approach to Shakespeare Studies in the UK, the USA, Australia and elsewhere.

For fourteen years Michael was Visiting Professor of English at Georgetown University, Washington DC which honoured him with the Centennial Award for Distinguished Teaching and Scholarship in 1989.  He was also the Chairman of UNESCO Cymru Wales and a director of the UK National Commission for UNESCO from 2005-9.  He has served as a member of the Broadcasting Council for Wales, as Chairman of the North Wales Film Commission and is currently vice-chair of the board of Clwyd Theatr Cymru and a CBI Council Member.

He published Shakespeare’s Comedies and Shakespeare’s Tragedies with Hodder & Stoughton in their All that Matters series and more recently Shakespeare: A Complete Introduction, also with Hodder. In addition he has published a Young Adult novel based on the Arthurian legends.

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