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Adele King Estate

Professor Adele King, lived in Paris for the last decade of her life.  She taught French in Nigeria and the United States.  Her last position was at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana.

She has written books on Camus, Proust, Paul Nizan and Camara Laye, and French Women Novelists: defining a female style, a study of five French women novelists.  She has edited a volume of French African stories and a collection of essays on Camus’s L’Etranger, was editor of Women in French Studies and co-editor of two series – Women Writers and Modern Dramatists. She also translated a cookbook, Spiced: recipes from Le Pre Verre.  

Her last book was Albert Camus: A Biography, published by Haus Books.

Fox & Howard Literary Agency

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SW11 5JX

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