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Psychology- A Complete Introduction


Dr Sandi Mann

Sandi Mann lectures in Organizational Psychology at the University of Central Lancashire and is a consultant specializing in stress and emotions.  She is a regular contributor to various media outlets on these issues, including radio, television and print media.  She is the co-author of Would I Lie to You?  with Dr Paul Seager  and also co-authored  This Book Has Feelings  – Adventures in the Philosophy and Psychology of your Mind (New Burlington Books 2010)

Sandi has written two titles in Hodder’s Teach Yourself series – Manage Your Anger ( 2012) and Overcome Phobias and Panic Attacks  (2013) and has also written on the subject of Emotion (Hodder, 2014).

Spring 2016 saw the publication of The Upside of Downtimewhy boredom is good (Robinson) in which Sandi explores the causes and consequences of boredom in the fast-paced 21st century.

This is explored again in an interview [19.04.2020] with Giles Coren on talkRadio with special relevance to current events: 

“..I just totally love your book;  I saw you quoted in a piece in the Sunday Times and thought this looks interesting… then I read your book and it was just brilliant, I found it just fascinating: just the right level of science, what happens to our brain, the evolutionary, the anthropological aspects.  And it’s funny..”

“You talk in the book about different kinds of boredom – if people are bored now…what kind of boredom? – is it situational boredom we are in at the moment [lockdown]..?”

“One wonders if the thing we call boredom isn’t really boredom. It’s that we are feeling a lack of artificial external stimulation provided by giant companies faraway.  I think the thing we call boredom may possibly be lack of distraction.”

see link for the full interview:  click on ’20:00 – 20:30′ and start at 3.30 mins.

Twitter: @sandipsych


The Telegraph
Daily Mail
Daily Mail

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