Nicky Hutchinson
Nicky Hutchinson has many years experience as a teacher and a specialist behaviour adviser for Bristol Local Authority. She now works nationally as a behaviour consultant and therapist, training and advising schools, parents and other professionals on all aspects of children’s psychological and emotional development. She has over 25 years experience of working with children and families.
She co-authored Intervening Early (Routledge) a practical guide for child care professionals to identify and support young children with challenging behaviour.
She also co-authored two editions of Body Image in the Primary School (David Fulton Books) with Chris Calland which won an all-parliamentary award and is due to be published in a new edition shortly. She has advised the government on children’s body image and she appears regularly in the media focussing on children’s behaviour and looking at ways in which we can help young people to cope with the pressures of our modern society. Together with Chris she has written her first children’s book on body image, entitled Minnie and Max are OK for Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Nicky and Chris are currently under contract to write a book about Anxiety in the Primary School.
Further details can be seen here: